What is Namhost's email per hour limit?
All Namhost Hosting Packages are set to be able to send 500 emails per hour. This limit was put in place in order to minimize the risk of server blacklistings as a result of spam being s...
All Namhost Hosting Packages are set to be able to send 500 emails per hour. This limit was put in place in order to minimize the risk of server blacklistings as a result of spam being s...
There are various reasons for email problems so the best solution is to identify the problem. Please try the following: Make sure you enter the entire e-mail address...
This will depend on what type of server you're using, the details for each are as follows: Linux Web Hosting - cPanel Log into your cPanel account. Und...
Namhost does not enable SpamAssassin or any other spam protection by default. The result is that often when you move from an existing host, where spam software was enabled you now no lon...
Our servers require you to log in in order to make use of SMTP e-mail sending. If we did not require users to log in to send e-mails, anyone could use the server to send spam. Usually, w...
Every Linux hosting account comes with something called "webmail". Webmail allows a user to quickly log into an account and see what e-mail is currently in the inbox. Clients often delete ...