Shared Hosting is the most affordable way to host your emails and get your website online today. If you need to host your personal website or a professional business website, including e-mails, then shared hosting is what you are looking for! We offer both Linux and ASP.NET Shared Hosting packages, but we recommend the Linux option in most cases.
A breakdown of how each hosting type differs. Unsure? You cannot go wrong with Linux.
The most trusted Linux hosting solution.
The most popular .NET hosting solution.
Easily manage multiple websites with your administrative control panel where you have absolute control over package sizes, how many domains can be hosted per package, and so much more. Whether you are building your own hosting empire or just need more control and resources, Reseller Hosting is the way to go!
More InfoEveryone at Namhost have always been exceptionally helpful and professional. Thanks Namhost!
You guys rock, very friendly services and always available for assistance, I can recommend you to anyone especially to beginners like me! 10/10
Hands up to these guys... their service is on point. I would recommend them to anyone!
Very innovative solutions and prompt feedback!
Better than most Namibian IT support guys.
Very proficient and professional, keep up the great work and the superb customer service response.
Hats off to Granwille! Efficiency at its best! Thank you for being so patient!
Very willing to help/assist, excellent customer service!
Namibian Company with International standard service delivery, excellent client service and unmatched customer care. Keep it up guys!
Granwille offers top service.
Namhost is amazing. Compared to other web hosting companies, transferring my domain was never easier. The most user friendly cPanel, live chat support and payment methods. Thanks Namhost.
Best service as always guys. thanks for my awesome 3 websites. more coming your way :) keep up the good work.
Thanks guys for the awesome service, I have been a customer now since 2008 I believe and support has always been excellent. Url/server got hit by a phishing scam and your support helped me to resolve the matter quickly. A huge percentage of our turn over is generated through online marketing and we cannot afford any downtime.
All my requests have been satisfactorily taken care off. Granwille is a pleasure to work with and his level of service is prompt and outstanding!
I am very impressed by Namhost. Great support with very cheap prices. I appreciate your professional attitude, support and I have never seen any hosting companies in Namibia that have a support department that responds as quick as Namhost. Thanks for all your help Namhost! Keep up your great work.
Namhost has one of the best response time when it comes to assisting their clients.
Namhost provides top-class service. always helpful and quick to respond. Setting new standards... Thanks, Granwille.
Thank you very much, your service rocks.
Over the many years I've used them, the service has been consistently professional and prompt. Well done guys!
Happy with the service I received. Good technical response. Good work team.
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