In this guide, we will show you how to test your network connection to a server. Please note this will only cover connections from Windows operating systems.
Windows 10
For Windows 10, search “CMD” in your search box right click on the command prompt icon, and click on “Run as Admin” as the screenshot shows below:

Windows 8
For Windows 8, right-click on the windows start button, click on “Run” and type in “CMD” as indicated in the screenshots below:

Windows 7
And for Windows 7, simply click on the start menu and type in “CMD” in the search bar at the bottom as indicated in the screenshot below:

- All operating systems will open a black window. In this window you will type the following:
- ping ‘server name’ - ‘server name’ needs to be replaced by the server name of the server you are trying to test. If you have a hosting account with Namhost you can find the server name of the server your account is hosted on in the “New Account Information” email that was sent to you the day your hosting account was activated.
- The screenshot below shows an example of a ping test that was done on the server The “Reply from…” messages mean that the connection to the server is successful:

- An unsuccessful ping will either say “Request Timed out” Or “Host is unreachable” as shown below:

- When this happens there are could be two possible reasons: 1. Your public network IP has been blocked on the server and/or 2. your network has an issue communicating with the server.
- To read up on why a public network IP gets blocked by a server please click on this link.