Emails are a very important aspect of every modern business With all the tools out there for managing this vital aspect of business it's important that you know how your email accounts are set up to avoid any email downtime.

Although most email clients nowadays have an automation function for setting up emails it's still important for you to be aware of the many functions available when an account is set up.

Knowing how email accounts are set up will ensure you know where to start searching for problems if they arise. This tutorial looks at manually setting up an email account in Outlook 2007 as this is still a very popular email client used globally.

Manually setting up your email account

Step 1: Select Account Settings from the Tools menu.

Step 2: On the E-mail tab, click New.

Step 3: Select "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and click the Next button.

Step 4: Select Internet E-mail and click the Next button.

Enter the following information for E-mail Accounts.

  1. Your Name: Enter the name you wish recipients to see when they receive your message.
  2. Email Address: This is the address that your contacts' email program will reply to. This is also the address that will get recorded in your contacts' address book if they add you as a contact.
  3. Account Type: POP3
  4. Incoming mail server: Enter (exact information provided to you on your Namhost "New Account Information" email)
  5. Outgoing mail server (SMTP): (exact information provided to you on your Namhost "New Account Information" email)
  6. User Name: Enter your full e-mail address
  7. Password: If you wish for Outlook to save your password, check the box labeled "Remember Password" and enter your password in the text field.

Finally, finish adding your settings by clicking the "More Settings..." button.

Email Settings

Click on the Outgoing Server tab and then check the box labeled "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication". Also, choose "Use same settings as my incoming mail server".

Outgoing Server Settings

Step 1: Click on the Advanced tab.

Step 2: Select the box "This server requires an encrypted connection".

Under Incoming Server (POP3), the port number will change from 110 to 995.

Once everything is done, click "Next". Click "Finish", an added step is to test your account settings by clicking the Test Account Settings... button before exiting to insure you didn't miss any steps.

If you're experiencing any sending or receiving problems with your emails we would advise you to first look at your email settings to ensure they are correct.

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