Obtaining a Gmail account is extremely easy and totally free! Follow our step-by-step guide below to open your own Gmail account.
Accessing the signup form
You can access the signup form by clicking the Gmail option on any of Google's pages with the black user bar on top.
When you're on the signup page, click the red "Sign up for Gmail" button in the top right-hand corner.
Alternatively, you can access the page by following this direct link to the Gmail sign-up form.
Filling in the form
The image provided is to guide you through each step in the process and has been numbered for your reference.
Step 1: Enter your name and your surname in the "Name" fields provided.
Step 2: The "Choose your username" field will be the actual email address so there is no need to add the @gmail.com since it will be appended automatically after setup.
Here are some examples of some good email formats:
- YourFullName@gamil.com
- Name.Surname@gmail.com
Step 3: The "Create a password" field can be anything you like and there is a status bar to indicate how strong your chosen password is to hack.
Don't forget to confirm your chosen password.
Step 4: The "Birthday" field is required to confirm that you are of legal age to accept the terms of service.
Steps 5 and 6: The "Mobile" and "Your current email address" fields are optional. I recommend you fill in the mobile field but will explain why later in this article.
Step 7: The "Prove you're not a robot" field is there to prevent automated machines or programs from opening multiple email accounts and is a common occurrence on all standard online forms these days.
Just retype the letters in the indicated image in the field provided.
Step 8: The Location field is not required but it will most likely already be set for you. If you wish to change it, you can.
Step 9: In order for you to use the Gmail account you have to accept the terms of service by ticking the check box.
Now all that remains is for you to click on the blue "Next step" button and if everything has been completed successfully, you'll be taken to a welcome page with more information and features Gmail has on offer.
Securing your email account
Gmail offers two ways of securing your account.
The first method is to attach another email account to your current account. This can easily be done by adding the alternative email on sign up or after sign up on your account's settings page.
The second method is called "2-step verification" and can also be found under the settings page.
Enabling this setting by attaching a mobile phone number to your account, you will be provided with a security code via SMS or through a phone call which can be entered in the field provided.
After verification is completed any attempts at unauthorized access to your account are drastically reduced.
Enjoy your new email address.