Uploading files using an FTP client

TThe first step would be to download and install an FTP client. I recommend using Filezilla which is a free and open source FTP program that can easily be downloaded directly from the official website. It only takes a few minutes to download and install.

Once you have downloaded the software, the wizard will guide you step by step through the installation process.

When you first open Filezilla you'll need to setup the connection between your hosting account and the FTP program, you may also use the quick connect option but this would mean you need to re-enter the connection details every time you need to upload files to your hosting account.

Click the site manager button on top as indicated by figure 1 and then on the new site button and enter a description. A good name would probably be to use your domain name for example Namhost.com, this is a good choice if you have more than one domain but you can really use any description you like.

Fill in the details as follows:

  1. Host is where you add your domain name or server IP address.
  2. Logon Type should be set to Normal.
  3. User is the username of your hosting account.
  4. Password is the password of your hosting account.

After you've enter all the details above press the connect button at the bottom to connect to you hosting account.

In the right column you will find all the files located on your hosting account while on the left column you'll find all the files on your computer.

In the right column enter the public_html folder which is the files that will be accessible to the internet through your domain name. Clear out anything unecesssary in that folder.

On the left column browse to the files on your computer that you would like to upload to your hosting account and right click on the file/s and Then select Upload to upload them to your hosting account.

Once the transfer is complete you can close Filezilla and access these files through the internet by going to your domain name using your favourite browser.

Uploading files using cPanel's build in file manager

Access your cPanel by going to your domain name followed by a forward slash for example www.yourdomain.com/cpanel.

Once you logged in scroll down to the Files block and click on File Manager.

Your File Managers option screen should open (but if your File Manger option screen does not open, don't worry as it's means these options have already been set by one of our technicians), select the Web Root option and Show Hidden Files and press the Go button.

On the left column insure your are located within the public_html, all unecassary files are deleted and then click on the upload button at the top.

This opens the file browser where you can select which files you would like to upload to your hosting account.

Once all the files you selected have been uploaded the indication bar at the bottom will show that it's completed.

You may then close the File Browser and File Manager tabs and logout from your cPanel control panel.

Now if you browse to the domain name you should see the files you uploaded.

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